Home Oil Spill Clean Up.
One of the calls our office received recently was from a very distressed homeowner. She advised us that she had suffered a large oil spill in her home & required a home oil spill clean up company. This was due to the theft of her central heating oil burner which was located at the back of her property.
The thieves came whilst she was at work and disconnected / stole the oil burner unit. This damaged the copper oil feed pipe and allowed 500 litres of kerosene to leak all over her footpath and lawn. The oil spill also seeped into the wall and foundations of her property.
Oil Spill Fumes in House
This large home oil spill resulted in a stong smell of oil throughout the house. Unfortunately it has now left her home temporarily unsafe to live in.
Nationwide oil leak clean up specialists were on site within hours. As a result we were able to carry out emergency works to prevent the kerosene leak spreading any further.
Home Oil Leak Insurance Claim
The homeowner got in touch with the home oil leak insurance assessors “Claims Assist Ireland”. They reported her oil leak damage claim to her insurance company. Claims Assist were also able to trigger the alternative accommodation cover in the homeowners policy. This meant that she could find a nearby property to live in while the oil spill insurancerepair works were being carried out.
Oil Spill Clean Up Specialists
Whether you have suffered from home oil leak damage Galway or any other county, Nationwide Oil Leaks are on call 24/7. We can provide you with free oil spill clean up advice along with providing a free site inspection if required.
If there is oil leak damage, our clean up experts can talk you through the various options available. We can also advise if you are entitled to get the cost of oil spill clean up covered under your home insurance policy.